Weekend of shows….

At the close of each weekend I think about each show, the good points, the bad points, the things I didn’t expect, etc, and I plan to blog about the experiences come Monday.  Now it’s Saturday again and I’m realizing that I haven’t brushed the subject of last weekend’s gigs.  And of course, many of the memories have already faded.  Let me see what I can remember.

Last Friday night we played at a Starbucks in West Grove, PA.  Our friend Paul Zimmerman-Clayton came along to play djembe and sing a little.  The show went really well and we met a lot of new people–Tyler even managed to run into an old friend from high school.  I swear, you can’t take him anywhere without him knowing someone.  Some of the evening’s highlights include: 1) Forgetting to bring our mics and frantically calling Sara Manning to ask her to bring them to us. (Sara, Kate Roberts, and Erin Toole all came out to the show and in doing so really saved us from not being able to play.) 2) Tyler breaking his D string within the first 15 minutes of the set.  3) Paul breaking the same D string during the first song of his set. 4) Paul farting so badly in one song that we couldn’t continue singing. (I know, this is terrible to post for all to see, but it really was a hilarious moment.) 5)Loads of free frappuccino samples.  Ladies came around every 5 minutes with a different flavor and I was able to snag a few between songs.

All in all, a great night.

Saturday afternoon came and brought with it a gig at Starbucks in Middletown.  This show was great too.  It’s always nice to see familiar faces. Highlights include: 1) Tyler breaking the same D string as the night before on the first song, while finger picking. 2) Rebecca Terczak (my best friend–we’ve know each other since kindergarten) showing up as a surprise while we were packing up our equipment to leave.  She had the time wrong.  But it was still lovely to see her.

Saturday night we played at a coffee house called Building Bridges Cafe.  This was quite an interesting gig.  We played well (despite being a little worn out from the show earlier in the day), but I must say, it wasn’t what we expected at all.  I was told that this coffee house was aimed at singles in their 20s and 30s.  Boy was I surprised when the average age of the audience turned out to be about 40.  The really funny part was that Paul’s girlfriend Jen brought a bunch of her single roommates.  They hid behind our merch table, and I don’t blame them really.  Highlights of the show include 1) Free dinner and 2) Greg Schmeer (Erin Toole’s fiancee) accidentally pulling some important electrical cable during Plans for Us that left us in the dark.  Greg, seriously.  I thought you were an engineer.

Now that I’ve successfully recapped last weekend, Tyler and I will proceed with the music this weekend.  We look forward to seeing some of you!


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