Thunderstorms in DE

So we had a crazy couple of days.

First–thanks to all of you for coming out to Jammin’ Java.  We had a great time and really enjoyed meeting some of you.  I hoped you enjoyed the new tune—we’ll be playing it at all of our shows this week.

We got in from Jammin’ Java really late on Tuesday night, woke up way too early on Wednesday morning, and traveled from Vienna, VA to Wilmington, DE.  It’s not a long drive, and we stopped at my favorite coffee shop (Caribou Coffee) on the way.  I really wish that they had Caribou Coffee shops everywhere…but I guess that’s what makes it so special when I do get to stop there.

So we get to Wilmington, eat some food, hang out with my good friend Laura, and get ready for the show at White Clay Creek.  The set times for the show had all ready been changed on us a couple times and last night there was a severe thunderstorm warning for the area, so we were worried that the show might get rained out.  At 4pm the torrential downpour started.  We were supposed to play at 6pm.  We showed up at the park at 5:30pm and were told that due to the rain (which had stopped) they were changing things up yet again.  A brass band would be playing from 6:30-7:30 and we would play from 7:30-as long as the rain held off.  So yesterday a brass band opened for us.  It was pretty cool.  And patriotic.  Remember now, I was the head nerd in band in high school, meaning I was the drum major of the marching band….so I definitely enjoy hearing concert type bands every now and then.

We went on at 7:30, played 3 songs and the rain came.  My apologies to everyone who came at 6 to hear us, sat for an hour and a half, and was rained on.  During the fourth song we saw lightning, so we had to stop in the middle.  It was kinda funny.  And kinda awkward.  All in all, okay.  We packed up in the rain, made sure a friend made it safely home, and then went to the house of some sweet friends and stayed up talking until midnight.

It was a crazy day.  But it was great.

Tonight we’re at the World Cafe Live (upstairs).  Our buddy Joel Rakes is playing as well and another friend Josh Schurr is opening.  It’s gonna be a great and we’d love to see you.


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