a new week.

It’s Monday morning, and I all ready feel pretty productive.  This morning I helped do some inventory at the little store where I work and then I went over to church to help with Vacation Bible School music, which went really well.  I was surprised at how into the music the kids were.  Today I’m just gearing up for the week–doing laundry, trying to line up an apartment, some writing, etc.

We just finished a really successful weekend of shows.  I’d say my favorite gig was the Logan House.  We opened for the Crash Motive (they’re really excellent if you haven’t heard them) and the crowd was awesome.  Very receptive to us.  It was a high energy show and we had a great time.  Tyler and I went to bed exhausted on Friday night after playing to shows and we both woke up early to go to work all day on Saturday.  On Saturday night we drove up to Jennersville, PA to play at a Starbucks.  The crowd was sparse, but the people there were really interested in listening to the music, so we had fun telling them the stories behind the songs, etc.  We went to bed tired again on Saturday night.  It feels good to go to bed exhausted like that after a fun show.

In exactly 7 days Tyler and I will be celebrating our 1st wedding anniversary.  I really can’t believe it’s been a whole year.  Someone told me that the newly-wed period has been extended to 2 years, so I guess we can say we’re newly-weds for another year.  I definitely still feel like newly-weds. I love being married to Tyler!  We’re spending the weekend exploring NYC and the surrounding areas, and just relaxing together.  Seems perfect to me.

Thanks to all who came out this past weekend to support us!  We enjoyed seeing some familiar faces and we really had a great time meeting new people!


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