A little Fall update

We’ve got some pretty awesome stuff happening in the Jenny & Tyler world lately, and finally, I can share it with you.

We received an email a few weeks ago from Sara Groves. If you don’t know who she is, you should probably check her out, because her music is amazing. In the email, Sara invited us to join her on her tour this fall. I read the email and started freaking out. Tyler and I looked at each other in disbelief. Us? Sara Groves? A real tour? Really?

Yes, really. We talked through details. I didn’t sleep well for 3 nights out of sheer excitement.

There have been quite a few moments over the past few weeks when Tyler and I have looked at each other and said, “Do we really get to make music for a living? How did we get here? Is this real life?”

And it is real life. A real life that the Lord has blessed us with. That I too often take for granted. Why do I do that?

Our busy season has begun and this crazy, real life is taking us all over the place. Just a week ago we were in South Carolina. Then off to Delaware, Baltimore, Virginia, and now New Jersey. We’re working on songs. Oh how I can’t wait to share new songs with you!

In the next month or so we’ll travel just the two of us around the Midwest, down to Texas, and through the Carolinas. In October the tour with Sara Groves begins. You can get all of the details here.

For now I’ll leave you with the little video announcement we made about the fall tour in its entirety. And yes, I am wearing a seat belt.


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