Blown away!

Let me start by stating this simple truth: you guys are incredible. Seriously. We launched our kickstarter project late on Wednesday night (or early on Thursday morning depending on how you look at it), started spreading the word at 9am Thursday morning, and here I sit 25 hours later and we’re up to $4,425! That’s …

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summer lovin’

I know that the title to this post is quite the cliche….but it’s summer time. And we just celebrated our 3rd anniversary. So it’s really quite appropriate. Tyler surprised me with a trip to Avalon, NJ for our anniversary! We stayed two nights in the hotel where we had our wedding reception and spent our …

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Pizza dough recipe…

Okay, so I know that I talk wayyy too much about food on this blog, and probably not enough about music. I love both. Probably equally. Something that Tyler and I love to do together is make pizza. If you’ve never tried making pizza at home, you’re really missing out. Yes, it requires more effort …

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Oh hey!

So we’re on our way HOME! That’s right after 6 weeks of travel/weddings/familytime/shows we are making our way back to Nashville. I’m so excited. We’re about 4 1/2 hours out now. We tracked some vocals for the new record on Monday and let me tell you—it went SO well. I’m really excited for you all …

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New song!

I mentioned that we’re a part of Brite Revolution the other day and I thought I’d show you guys a little bit of what I mean. This is a video of a new song of ours that you can download exclusively through Brite. So for your viewing/listening pleasure: Check out brite! -jenny

brite revolution

Hey folks! So I have some good news. We are officially part of Brite Revolution! What is Brite you ask? Well, it’s a FREE music subscription site that features all sorts of independent artists like us. Members have access to exclusive tracks from each artist every month—oh AND your membership helps support great causes. Win, …

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yum yum yum

I’m really feeling like a ought to post… possibly because it’s been a month since I last updated this blog! We’re in Zion, IL (that’s just north of Chicago) hanging out with friends this evening. Tomorrow we will lead worship at our friend’s church and then tomorrow night we will have a crazy awesome house …

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