Ugly Mugs on Thursday

Just a quick note to let those of you in the Nashville area know that we will be playing a show this Thursday at Ugly Mugs in East Nashville.  Not only do I suggest  you come to hear some great music, (our buddy Paul Zimmerman-Clayton will be playing as well), but come for some great …

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Just checking in to let you know that “A Prelude” is now on  If you haven’t been over to check out noisetrade, you really should.  You get to pay what you want for tons of awesome albums or tell 5 friends about the albums you like and download them for free!  We would really …

Noisetrade! Read More »

cafe coco

So I know I’ve been pretty lame when it comes to updating this blog recently.  So much has happened.  The days run together so quickly that it never seems like it’s been that long in between posts until one morning I visit the blog and realize it’s been 3 weeks or so.  Anyway, it happens. …

cafe coco Read More »


It’s starting to feel a little more like fall in Nashville.  Fall is absolutely my favorite season.  From the changing leaves to the apple cider, it’s a season so rich in color, tastes, and textures, you can’t help but love it.  I was beginning to think that it would never come here, and maybe it …

Finally… Read More »

What a week!

I guess it’s only Wednesday, but it feels like we’ve had a full week here all ready.  Probably because today was actually my day off after working a full work week. I had one of those “I can’t believe this is happening moments” at work on Monday, but it was a good moment.  I heard …

What a week! Read More »

FREE Acoustic EP

So I’m not sure why I haven’t blogged about this yet, but I want to let you know that Tyler and I are releasing a free acoustic EP to everyone on our mailing list.  The EP will have acoustic versions of a few songs off of “A Prelude” and a couple new songs for your …

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