
It is blowing my mind that we are nearly half way through September. How did this happen? I feel like an old person talking about how fast time passes, but it really does feel like time speeds up when we’re traveling. We’ve been on the road now for a week and it has been awesome. …

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Natural disasters, survival, tour dates, and Bon Iver

What a week. Earthquake. Evacuation. Hurricane. Basement Pajama Party. Strawberry Peach Pie (essential for survival…or at least it makes surviving a bit more enjoyable.) Whew. We were sad to see our shows in Jersey canceled. We were so looking forward to meeting some of you. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. Don’t worry Jersey shore, …

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My earthquake experience.

I’m sure you’ve heard by now, but we had an earthquake over here on the east coast yesterday. I know you west coasters are rolling your eyes at me thinking, “5.8? That’s a piece of cake!” But for those of us who’ve never experienced an earthquake before, it was a pretty dramatic experience. I’ve heard …

My earthquake experience. Read More »

A little Fall update

We’ve got some pretty awesome stuff happening in the Jenny & Tyler world lately, and finally, I can share it with you. We received an email a few weeks ago from Sara Groves. If you don’t know who she is, you should probably check her out, because her music is amazing. In the email, Sara …

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Maine photos

I feel like we’ve been pretty MIA lately. We’ve had lots of family stuff happening over on the east coast, and we just celebrated our friend’s wedding in DE. Finally, we’re headed back to Nashville for a couple weeks off before touring August starts back up again. This summer has been such a restful time. …

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