Friends! We are so excited to tell you about our Little Balloon Caption Contest. We know that many of you are creative and want to give you the opportunity to put those talents to good use. And you can win prizes too!
Here are the details:
How to enter:
1. Take a screen shot of a moment in the Little Balloon video and write a caption. Imagine yourself as the balloon. What are you thinking? If you could talk, what would you say? Be creative. Your caption can be funny, witty, thought-provoking, emotional, etc.
You can check out a couple examples over at our Facebook page:
2. Share the Little Balloon music video with a friend on Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter. Take a screen shot of the post, pin, or tweet.
3. Send the screen shots and caption to: Allow up to 12 hours for us to approve your photo and caption. We will upload it to a special photo album on our Jenny & Tyler Facebook page and send you a direct link to your photo and caption.
We will post the caption and video screen shot in an album on the Jenny & Tyler Facebook page. Users that like our page will vote for their favorite photo and caption by clicking the “like” button next to the photo. You can like as many captions as you please. You can use the direct link to your photo and caption to encourage your friends to vote for you! There will be two winners: the photo with the most likes and our personal favorite.
Win a Little Ballon Party! This includes:
1. One dozen cupcakes from Sweet & Sassy Cupcakes in Newark, DE. Newark is our hometown and Sweet & Sassy makes our favorite cupcakes! The cupcakes will be shipped to your home (US only).
2. A 30-minute Skype concert with us! We will set up a Skype date for you and as many friends as you please. You make the set list.
3. An autographed copy of Open Your Doors.
4. A pack of little red balloons.
We are so excited to read your captions! The contest runs from today through June 20th. We will announce the winners on June 22nd.
Visit the official contest site here: Happy captioning!
YOU & Cupcakes!!! It doesn’t get any better than that!!!