Maine photos

I feel like we’ve been pretty MIA lately. We’ve had lots of family stuff happening over on the east coast, and we just celebrated our friend’s wedding in DE. Finally, we’re headed back to Nashville for a couple weeks off before touring August starts back up again. This summer has been such a restful time. And it’s crazy to think that it’s practically over. It doesn’t seem possible.

We took some beautiful pictures during our vacation in Maine, and I thought I’d share a few today.

Tyler climbing the side of a cliff (don’t worry, this isn’t nearly as dangerous as it looks) :


At the top of Mt. Champlain. We took the easy way up.


Sunrise on Cadillac Mountain:


Sunset on Cadillac Mountain


We are cheesy. And like silhouette shots:


And jumping:


Tyler and some beautiful mountains:


Amazing rock:


All in all, a truly amazing vacation. I’d totally recommend visiting Maine. We stayed in a bed and breakfast in Bar Harbor, but I think it’d be pretty fun to camp in Acadia too.

So, so, so much fun.

In other news, we bought an ice cream maker while we were in Delaware (tax free shopping = winning!). It’s a Cuisinart ICE-21. We picked a bunch of blackberries from my friend’s garden and I’m excited to make some ice cream with them when we get home. I’ll let you know how it turns out!


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