New Song!

Good afternoon!

We’ve got a special trreat for you today. As many of you know, we plan on releasing a new record this Spring. We thought we’d share one of the new songs with you today. Woohoo!

This particular song is in need of a title. We have two options in mind: Skyline Hill and No Words for This. We’d love for you to lhelp us choose the title by leaving your opinion in the comments.

The song was writte just about a year ago at Tyler’s parents’ home in Delaware. The house is up on a large hill that overlooks the skyline of Wilmington, DE, hence the name Skyline Hill. One particular morning I was up and caught the sun rising over the city. The view was breathtakiing and something about the space feeling more like home to me than anywhere else made it particularly special. I was inspired to write. At it’s core the song is a love song about the beauty in nature, in my relationship with Tyler, and in grace. I hope you enjoy!

29 thoughts on “New Song!”

  1. No Words for This. (Is it really possible there’s no song that has that name already? Sure looks that way. Nab it while you can!)

  2. Ooh, I like “Skyline Hill.” But what if it was one of those combos like: “Skyline Hill (No Words for This)”?

  3. The words of this song are beautifully placed together and bring tears to my eyes, how beautiful is it to praise the Creator of all things for all that which He has placed His bountiful hand upon and created with such time and thought. Praise God for both of you! I think that title No Words For This fits the song best.

  4. Wow…I love this song! So awesome! 🙂 I really like “Skyline Hill” because it’s very unique, though “No Words for This” is mentioned more in the song. Maybe you could do both, by having one in parentheses, like “Skyline Hill (No Words for This)”? Either way…I love the new song. 🙂

  5. I remember when y’all played this in Abilene! I think you should call the song “Skyline Hill”, and then immediately afterward have an instrumental interlude called “No Words for This”.

  6. Beautiful song! I’d go with
    No Words For This
    hook, memorable, more significant to everyone who hears the song, not just you as composer

  7. “No Words for This” is really catchy and very descriptive of the song – if you can say that about such lovely words! Nice song! Skyline Hill is in there but not really central…

  8. I’m also in favor of adding a parenthetical part to the title but with a twist:
    There Are No Words For This (Except For the Ones in This Song)

    Just kidding. It’s a beautiful song. I like how your voices blend. Eagerly awaiting the new album.

  9. awesome song you two! I like “Skyline Hill” but I think “No words for this” is more appropriate for this song 🙂 Keep it up, love your music!

  10. I love the song! I like the combo title, too: “Skyline Hill (No Words for This)”. Can’t wait for the new record!! 😀

  11. Beautiful and Inspiring. Sometimes the things we see and feel are not able to be expressed in words, but must be a compilation of multiple things and you two do a wonderful job of combining words and music. love the names you picked, specifically “No Words for This”. God bless with the releasing of the new record.

  12. i loved hearing this again! seriously, your harmonies, goodness. so good. i’m going to go with skyline hill. hope you two are well. i caught grayson singing one eyed cat again the other day to herself, with another one of her personal renditions “chocolate icecream and 3 french purses.” apparently purses are better than coffee in her world 😉

  13. If I have to pick – Skyline Hill. I enjoy the titles that are only said once in the song rather than repeated. I also like how it loosely (very, very loosely) kinda ties in with the lines of earth & face part, which is my favorite part of the song. And yay new album!!! So excited 🙂

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