blast from the past. (too cheesy? yes?)

So wouldn’t you know it, we’re in Bethesda, MD again.  We got up at 4:15 this morning to start the trek to Nashville.  At 6am on the beltway our back left tire blew.  Yay!  Let me tell you, changing a tire when the back of your element is entirely stuffed full of equipment AND you have a new trailer on the back is interesting.  Tyler had to unload a ton of stuff just to get to the spare and the jack and all of that stuff.  Now we’re in Bethesda and Tyler is trying to patch the tire (when we had a flat in Pittsburgh the guy at the shop gave us a bunch of plugs and all of the stuff you need to patch a tire.) at a shell station and I’m sitting in a Caribou Coffee drinking a lite white raspberry.  If we were going to get a flat tire, I’m glad it was within a mile and a half of a Caribou.  They are seriously the best coffee shops ever.

So we arrived in Philly on Monday and spent yesterday in DE getting over our jet lag.  Yesterday morning I realized that it was the first day of classes at UD, which meant that BSM (a ministry we were really involved in while we were at UD) was having a big barbeque…AND that the Deltones (my a’cappella group) would be having auditions.  So, we ventured to campus.  It was actually kind of an emotional trip.  We drove down Main Street and realized that we met at UD literally 5 years ago last Sunday.  We got to the BSM house and a girl who I’d never met asked me where Tyler had proposed. (She’d heard One-Eyed Cat!)  I pointed to the driveway where Tyler knelt in a puddle.  It’s fun to relive the memories.

So why don’t we do just that?  Here are some photos!

new years 2005 in avalon!
new years 2005 in avalon!
a couple weeks after our engagement
a couple weeks after our engagement
at UD spring 07
at UD spring 07
hayride fall 06--look, it's brynn, adam, and BMITCH!
hayride fall 06--look, it's brynn, adam, and BMITCH!
we got married.
we got married.
spring 08 at UD
spring 08 at UD

and now we’re in nashville. yay!

i’m hoping to get back on the road soon!  i like you bethesda.  but not this much!

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