New Year’s Refreshment (there is no mention of food in this post! crazy!)

Hello friends. I’ve been meaning to post some sort of New Year greeting for a few days now. In fact, I wrote a lengthy blog yesterday and didn’t end up posting it. It’s 2011 and we’re officially into a new decade. Where did the time go, right? I’ve heard a lot of my friends talking …

New Year’s Refreshment (there is no mention of food in this post! crazy!) Read More »

Christmas recap

I have returned. I hope you all had a really wonderful Christmas. We had snow in Delaware much to my delight! I spent Christmas morning baking cinnamon rolls. Oh. My. Goodness. They were so good. I’d never made them from scratch before and thought I’d give it a shot. I found a recipe on …

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Christmas cookies

Guess what?! We’re in Delaware. But that’s not all…we’re in Delaware and it SNOWED!!! I’m terrible at driving in snow. I avoid it at all costs. But, I love looking at the beautiful white stuff and making snowmen. I love the smell of snow and the sound of snow. Have you ever noticed that when …

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Christmas Music…

Hi friends. We’ve spent the past few days hanging out in Florida, playing a few shows and enjoying the sun. It’s hard to believe that Christmas is approaching so rapidly when you’re in Florida. But it is! I’m not usually a big fan of Christmas music. Working in retail for too many years at Christmastime …

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Chicken and shows

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We had a nice time hanging out with the family in Texas. My Thanksgiving meal turned out really well! I mentioned that I was roasting a chicken instead of a turkey and at the last minute I decided to switch chicken recipes. I am so glad that …

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We are in Dallas for Thanksgiving and due to circumstances beyond my control, I will be cooking! I’m actually quite excited. This will be my third Thanksgiving as the chef and I’ve decided to try my hand at a few new recipes. Here’s my menu: -Roasted chicken with honey and thyme (yes, I’m doing a …

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