Cramping toes.

All things considered, the Sunday night show in DE went exceptionally well. Sound was lovely, turn-out was outstanding, Levi Weaver was genius, and my sister and her buddy Zac manned the merch table courageously. Tyler set up a nice little playlist on the ipod for the moment prior to, during intermission, and after the show. …

Cramping toes. Read More »

Yay for fun shows.

I apologize for not updating this blog sooner. So we’ve officially been touring for a week and so far, it’s been great! We played a fun show in Lynchburg on Friday night. It was great to see some of you guy and meet you for the first time! We drove through the night to DE …

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Johnson City

So here we sit, at tonight’s venue in Johnson City. The Acoustic Coffeehouse is definitely a cool place. Right now a crew of old guys are getting ready to play some blues…at least that’s how it appears. We pulled in Johnson City this afternoon at about 1:30, scoped out the venue and headed to the …

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yay for knoxville!

Just finished a great show at Johnson Bible College right outside Knoxville. Seriously fun times. We had a great time meeting the students and playing our tunes. And, in between sets some of the musical guys and gals at JBC performed a little. SO GOOD! I didn’t get to talk to a guy and a …

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oh change….

Okay, so I know I’ve said it before…but I cannot recommend Foy Vance enough. I bought his full length album “Hope” this morning…and I’ve been listening to it over and over. I could listen to “Indiscriminate Act of Kindness” like 50 times and not have it get annoying. What a crazy good song. I had …

oh change…. Read More »

tour tour tour

Our first national tour starts one week from today. We have no booking. No management. No publicity. It’s just us and our red ford taurus and the road. Are we crazy? Perhaps. We’re quitting our jobs in the midst of an economic crisis (although I really must admit that Tyler and I as a family …

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We’re one step closer to the record being complete!  We sent off the mastered files this morning for replication.  Hopefully we’ll be picking up the cds by March 30th and have the for the start of the tour!  We’re looking forward to it.

My oh my…

So…February is coming to a close.  I can’t figure out when or how that happened?  Time passes so quickly now.  I remember when I was a kid it seemed like days, even hours took forever.  I particularly remember thinking this during third grade.  Every morning my teacher held a math meeting and we would count …

My oh my… Read More »

so so so good

I cried listening to Foy Vance this morning.  If you’ve never heard him check him out. (i recommend indiscriminate act of kindness) or for your viewing pleasure:


Yesterday was a snow day here in Nashville…though I’m not quite sure why.  Yes, there was snow, but only a light dusting and I basically everything melted away by about 9am or so.  Still, it was nice to see the ground blanketed in white when I woke up yesterday.   So 2009.  I know we’re …

2009 Read More »

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