There are people in my elbow who don’t believe in people in my brain, because it’s so far away”

Welcome to the first ever, co-authored, “live” jenny and tyler blog.  It actually won’t be live, because we aren’t picking up the best internet signal, but know that it was meant to be a play by play of the first open mic we’re experiencing here in Nashville. Right now we’re sitting in the back of …

There are people in my elbow who don’t believe in people in my brain, because it’s so far away” Read More »

we’re in england!

hello from beautiful england!  we’re sitting in my brother’s house right now trying to get over this jetlag.  yesterday we could hardly stay awake–my brother and sister-in-law kept us busy until 8pm and wouldn’t let us fall asleep–but tonight, we’re wide awake.  we’ve been warned not to stay up too much later.  we’ll see how …

we’re in england! Read More »

today is another day…

It’s a gorgeous day here in Delaware.  The heat wave we’ve had going on for the past week seems to have subsided with the crazy storms we had last night and it’s actually really bearable to be outside.  I’m sitting here in Starbucks picking up Panera’s wifi.  I actually drove here with my windows down.  …

today is another day… Read More »

Beautiful mornings…

It’s morning time, which means it’s time a for a good cup of coffee and a little pondering, which usually takes the form of reading or writing for me. One of the perks of staying with the in-laws is that they have a beautiful view from their backyard.  Their yard overlooks a field of rolling …

Beautiful mornings… Read More »

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