Coming Soon: A music video for Skyline Hill!

Guys, I’m really excited. I mean, really, really excited.

We spent the past year touring and traveling. We explored big cities and small towns, and made lots of new friends along the way.

And we were met with indescribable beauty. From the electric pinks and oranges of a sunset on the West coast to the cool, refreshing waters on the coast of Maine, we found ourselves gazing in awe at the beauty around us, wondering at our privilege of being allowed to take it in, all the while knowing that we’d only scratched the surface of what the world has to offer.

And we filmed some of it. And we wrote a song. And created a music video.

The Skyline Hill music video is essentially a compilation of some footage from our travels. The images are simple and relaxed. We filmed everything and edited it ourselves, so it has a bit of a “home video” feel. It’s authentic and easy. And that’s the way the song itself was meant to be.

We are releasing it at midnight on Sunday (technically Monday, Sept. 17th).

Here is a screen shot:

Get ready for Sunday!

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