Grandma’s, Cobbler, Ice Cream Maker?

One of my favorite things about being home is baking. Those of you who’ve been reading the blog for a while probably know this. I’ve tried to cut back on my baking habit, but I honestly think it’s in my blood. My grandma is a fantastic baker. Her pies are divine, and she even taught me how to make biscotti back in the day. Mmmm…I should make some. When we were little, my brother, sister, and I used to refer to my grandma’s house as “the land of a thousand treats.” And it really was. Being at grandma’s meant you could have 5 cookies and 3 pieces of pie in one day and not get in trouble. She made 20 varieties of Christmas cookies. You think I’m exaggerating, but I’m really not. We made the trek to Grandma’s house twice a year (remember, we were a military family and always lived far away) and it was magical. Truly magical.

All this to say, I’ve been baking. A lot. Our new apartment stays very cool…sometimes downright cold…meaning that the heat that usually discourages my baking in the summer is no longer an issue. And we’ve had lots of dinner guests. I must provide them with dessert right?

The other night I made a peach cobbler. It was more of a cakey cobbler. I found the recipe over at A Sweet Pea Chef’s blog. You can get it here. I paired the cobbler with vanilla ice cream. Delicious. Tonight I’m going to try a blackberry cobbler. I love blackberries and the season is just beginning. So excited.

I’m thinking about getting an ice cream maker. Anyone have one? Thoughts?

I’ll let you know how my cobbler turns out!

8 thoughts on “Grandma’s, Cobbler, Ice Cream Maker?”

  1. Wow Jenny!
    i’m like you i guess =) My mom gets on to me a lot about always wanting to bake or make a dessert! Its cool though… just as long as nobody gains weight from it =)
    And i may have to try that peach cobbler recipe… sounds good. Thanks for sharing!

  2. we have an ice cream maker that we got for free. it’s pretty small, so we’ve only made ice cream in it once (there are five of us in our family.) i think the thing that keeps us from making it is the long prep time and the expensive ingredients: you need heavy whipping cream (lots of it) and lots of whole milk and good sugar. once you’ve made it though, its totally worth it. super delicious.
    and now i’m hungry for peach cobbler and vanilla ice cream….

  3. Hi!

    I just found you through a friend of mine on Facebook. It’s funny, actually, because all she posted were some of the lyrics from This Is Just So Beautiful, and I liked them so much I googled them. Then I found a link to the music video and knew right then that I’d found some new favorite music! I’ve already gotten the EP and the Faint Not sampler; can’t wait to save up and buy everything else πŸ™‚ Anyway, I’m the one that, when I subscribed, just left a lame message, “Beatiful music!” Yeah. Just realized that I missepelled “beautiful.” Sorry about that.

    Absolutely, positively, want-to-scream-it’s-so-adorable, LOVE One-Eyed Cat. Oh my word.

    But anyway, I wanted to help you out, if you are still looking into getting an ice cream maker. πŸ™‚ Our family could live off of ice cream–at any given time, we most likely have at least 3 cartons in our freezer. So, of course, we love having homemade in the summer. And, seeing as I’m the one who makes most of the dessert-y things around here (baking is my weakness, too!) I really have gotten to love our machine πŸ™‚ We have a Cuisinart ___ and it is so fast, easy, and mess-free! Just thought I’d let you know if you’re still in the market.

    Sorry if it’s weird for me to write this much, without knowing you. I just right away felt a genuine-ness about you, and our mutual faith in Jesus Christ broke down whatever other barriers I would have had!


    1. Hey Katie! Thanks so much! So glad you like the music. I’m definitely checking out your ice cream maker. It sounds like it’s just what I’m looking for. πŸ™‚

  4. ugh, and I just realized that I didn’t tell you the model! I just left a blank so I’d remember to fill it in after I figured it out, but the internet stopped working and I forgot to insert it. Anyway, our machine is really similar to the Cuisinart ICE-30BC, only ours is differently colored. But I think it’s generally the same. πŸ™‚

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