
Well the theme of July has been “family vacation!” I am not at all complaining. I love my family, and I love Tyler’s too. I am very happy to be a Somers.

We spent a week in TX with my family to celebrate my parents’ 30th wedding anniversary. My parents decided to renew their vows this year. In addition to saying traditional vows they wrote words from their hearts to share with one another and those in attendance. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the house. I’ve only seen my dad cry once – when his dad came to know Jesus. My family is actually from western New York, so my grandpa called my dad to tell him the good news. I remember him talking on the phone to my grandpa, telling him that he loved him, hanging up, and bursting into tears. It was a beautiful moment. My grandpa died shortly after that. It is truly amazing how the Lord works in and through people.

My dad cried again while reading the words he wrote for my mom. It is such a blessing to have parents who still love each other and are in love with one another. I know that their marriage hasn’t always been easy, what marriage is? But they give me hope that with the Lord all things are possible.

My sweet parents:

I was able to spend time with my sister down in Texas too. I am incredibly fortunate to have a sister who is also my best friend. We didn’t grow up fighting or stealing each other’s clothes. We had the same friends.

When I was 16 I spent two weeks of my summer marching with the Mississippi All State band. For those of you who don’t know, I am a band nerd. I LOVE band. Seriously. I spent one week marching in the heat and humidity of the Mississippi delta. I lost 10 lbs at camp because the food was so bad and we marched miles everyday. The next week we traveled to San Antonio, TX to march in a huge 4th of July parade. It rained the entire time we were there, so much that the parade was canceled. Somehow the band leaders managed to find a tiny town outside of San Antonio that was hosting a small parade and they took us there to march and perform our street show. We wore wool uniforms in 100 degree weather. I still remember the band directors walking with us saying, “Just one more!” over and over again. It was never “just one more.”

I returned from that trip and was scheduled to leave immediately for drum major camp two days later. Karen and I had already spent two weeks apart. We couldn’t stand it. So Karen came to drum major camp too! She wasn’t even a drum major! We spent a week living in a dorm at USM in Hattiesburg, MS, conducting to recorded music during the day, and singing songs with each other at night. Karen is a natural guitar player and has a beautiful voice. Unfortunately she doesn’t really like to sing. For some reason that week she did. We even entered the talent show together and sang Blues Traveler’s “All for You.” We came in 3rd. The boy who won did an interpretive dance (with sticks!) to a Point of Grace song. It was hilarious.

My sister lives in California now, so anytime I get to see her is a good time. I cried for nearly a half hour after she boarded her plane to go home. I didn’t see it coming. I just don’t think sisters are meant to live apart.

My beautiful sister:

Now we are finishing up our vacation with Tyler’s parents in Avalon, NJ. It has been SO fun. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Jersey Shore, forget everything MTV has told you. Avalon is classy and beautiful. We love it so much that we were married here! The water is warm and the air is perfect this week.

Last night we did experience a bit of the Jersey shore stereotype. We went to Wildwood and walked the boardwalk! I’d never been to Wildwood and Tyler’s parents are selling their beach house, so it’s likely that we won’t have the opportunity to vacation here much anymore. Wildwood was awesome. We got our picture taken in a photo booth and rode this incredible ferris wheel. We were stopped at the top for what felt like 5 whole minutes (it was probably 1 or 2) and I was actually really nervous. The view was beautiful.

Photo booth!

Ferris Wheel:

The view from the top:

Today is our last day at the beach. Tomorrow we’re headed to Brooklyn to spend some time with Tyler’s brother, his wife, and our 3 nephews. They are ridiculously cute.

I hope you are having a wonderful summer. We start playing shows again in August and are looking forward to seeing many of you out on the road.

9 thoughts on “July!”

  1. So much fun! Family is the best, aren’t they? I Amen’d at your line of sisters not being apart… My sister goes to college in California but is back home in South Africa for summer, and I just got home from a solo trip to China. It is so good to reunite with sisters!
    P.S. You are Tyler are so adorable. *sigh* Enjoy touring!

  2. Aw, that is a great picture of your parents, Jenny! Tell them I said hi and congratulations! I really wish I could have seen them the last time you guys were in town! They’re some of the most special people I know. 🙂
    Hope your vacation has been great! Sounds like it has!

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