Squirrels, Photos, and Food.

Good morning friends, and a happy labor day to you! It’s 60 degrees and raining here in Nashville, which is actually quite lovely. I’m a fan of the break in the heat. However, I’m sure the weather is just playing with us. It’ll be back in the 80s before we know it.

Yesterday was such a good day. First, and perhaps most importantly, we spotted an albino squirrel on our way home from church. My sister in law had mentioned the existence of said squirrel a few months back, but I figured albino squirrels were mythical creatures. It’s just too weird, right? Well, I was wrong. This squirrel was literally completely white. Quite striking, and a bit startling. Really cool.

After the squirrel sighting, we made our way to a photo shoot out in Franklin. The rain was coming down in sheets on our way there, and we both figured the shoot would be canceled. But it seems that we do some of our best work in inclement weather. The shoot was great. We had the grounds of Dark Horse Studio to play with. I’m so excited to share some of the photos with you. And the photographers will probably be our new best friends very shortly. I love it when that happens.

Last night a couple of our friends came over for curry. We had homemade chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and brownies for dessert. I’m really pleased with my ice cream maker. I’ve made vanilla, chocolate, vanilla frozen yogurt, and chocolate chip cookie dough so far, and they’ve all been delicious. For the cookie dough I literally added cinnamon to a vanilla base, whipped up half a batch of cookie dough, and mixed it all together. Well, not all of the cookie dough. But having a little extra for some warm cookies was an added bonus.

Food, photos, and squirrels. And friends of course.

Tomorrow we roll out bright and early and make our way to Asbury University. In addition to playing a show and leading worship at chapel, we’ll be teaching a couple songwriting classes. Teaching a class seems like such a grown up thing to do. Last night I looked at Tyler and said, “Promise me we’ll never grow up.” He agreed.

Hope to see some of you at Asbury and in NC and TN this week! Come say hey!

1 thought on “Squirrels, Photos, and Food.”

  1. Hi Jenny. Just wanted to say thank you for both the transparency of the posts on this blog and your music! I love the way you and Tyler so beautifully portray the complexity of loving people both in our intimate relationships (love the humor of one eyed cat) and in our relationship with the world as Christians. I happened across your music and I’m so glad I did…truly it has impacted me on so many levels! I’m a marital and family therapist and I’ve used the humor in one eyed cat to talk with couples about the sacrifices we make when we choose to marry…I’ve discussed the sentiments in Through Your Eyes with clients struggling with depression as we explore the story they are telling themselves about their value. Also, after 20 years of saying I wanted to…I started taking guitar lessons. I grew up singing blue grass with my Papa and inherited his guitar. I’ve planned to learn to play it for years but my desire to be able to play music that you and Tyler have written tipped me over into actually scheduling lessons! I have sore fingers but I am loving it! Also, my husband and I get endless entertainment out of listening to our two year old son belt out Stop Staring at Me, which he calls the funny song. Your willingness to be honest with yourself and with your audience about difficult topics (loved your post about the earthquake – I’m certain my very human response would have been the same magnified by having 2 children to protect) is a powerful tool for good. Blessings! We’d love to see you in Oklahoma!

    Tara Fritsch

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