The sound of our breathing…

Good morrow dear friends.

I’ve been reading the Chronicles of Narnia and wishing I could be British and live in Narnia and ride on Aslan’s back like Lucy and Susan.

We took a little trip to Portland on Tuesday to hang out with the students at George Fox University. We shared a bit of our story and fielded some interesting questions, the first being, “what sort of physical boundaries did you keep while dating and what measures did you take to keep them –and did it affect your marriage negatively when you failed to keep them?” Seriously. It was the very FIRST question asked. Whew. To be fair we had an awesome time and thoroughly enjoyed the 36 hours we spent on the west coast.

We flew home yesterday, unpacked, repacked, slept a little, and hit the road this morning for Texas! We’re so excited. Seriously. Our friend Landon Austin is with us (he’s awesome). If you live in TX you should check out the tour dates: and come out to a show if you can.

Somehow I managed to get through college as an English major without reading The Chronicles of Narnia. I think I was supposed to for one of my classes at some point, but I never did. I brought the first two books with me (The Magician’s Nephew and The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe) to Portland and read them on the plane. Oh my goodness. They make me want to love Jesus more. Seriously. There is a scene in The Magician’s Nephew where Aslan is creating Narnia by literally breathing life into the earth. He breathes and flowers spring up, waters form, animals come to life, etc. It’s absolutely stunning. It reminded me of Jason Gray’s song “The Sound of our Breathing.” In it Jason asks the question, “What if the name of God is the sound of our breathing?” It’s the idea that our breathing whispers the name Yahweh. That we are worshiping just by being alive. I really can’t explain it well so I will leave you with a link to his blog:

I think it’s a really interesting idea.

And now back to being a road warrior…

6 thoughts on “The sound of our breathing…”

  1. I am not sure if I read Chronicles of Narnia as a child, but I fell in love with them when I was 22. It opened my own mind’s wardrobe to ways my imagination can bring Him glory. I agree – it makes me want to love Jesus more!!

  2. So what was the answer for the question? 🙂
    “what sort of physical boundaries did you keep while dating and what measures did you take to keep them –and did it affect your marriage negatively when you failed to keep them?”

  3. Have you ever heard of Rob Bell? He talks a lot about the breathing as an act of worship. he says that the ancient rabbi’s believed the name of God was four letters “Y H V H” which, when pronounced, sound like “Yod, Hey, Va, Hey.” which, they considered to be the sound of your breathing. I wonder, when a baby is born, does it breathe to begin living, or does it say the name of God? When we die, is it because we’ve stopped breathing, or because we can no longer say the name of God? So amazing and humbling to think about.

  4. I have read the series more times than I am willing to admit, and every time I learn something new about C.S. Lewis’ perspective on who God is. They are a great resource for teaching children as well, if the Lord blesses you with any.

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