Good morning….

I am drinking my coffee. French press this morning. It’s a perfect morning for coffee. It dropped down into either the lower 70s or the upper 60s last night so all of the windows in the house were opened to let the cool air in. We even opened our tiny attic windows and slept without …

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Carrying the banner!!!

Okay folks, we have some big news. Some of you are familiar with this news. That is you know exactly what I am about to say (or do you?). Either way, it is still big. And important. And exciting. Thus making it newsworthy. Mac Powell makes a guest appearance on the new album. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or …

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Raspberry pie!

Warning: this is a food post. I am sharing recipes. If you enjoy food, you might want to continue reading. So on Thursday night I had a hankering for pie. It just happens to be summer berry season, so a wonderful berry pie sounded amazing. I love raspberries. Raspberry pie it was. It’s really, really …

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Hello, hello. So it’s crunch time. Tyler has been spending 17 hours a day editing tracks for the new record. I have been booking shows. We are trying to find good ways to promote this thing! Tracks go to the mixer Monday. Hopefully we’ll be picking up CDs in Ft. Worth in late September. And …

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More Cities This Fall!

Charleston, SC Washington, DC. Wilmington, DE Baltimore, MD Nashville, TN Abilene, TX Fort Worth, TX Cleveland, MS Jackson, MS Clemson, SC Fort Myers, FL Details to come!

October cities!

We’re excited to tell you that we will be visiting the following cities this October: Columbia, KY Wilmore, KY (Asbury University) Huntington, IN (Huntington University) Normal, IL Deerfield, IL (Trinity International Univeristy) and hopefully more! We will let you know the details as we know them! -Jenny & Tyler

Frightening T.V.

Given the opportunity I like to have a t.v. on in the background while I’m doing my work. Maybe it makes me feel more connected to the real world? I don’t know. Perhaps it’s not the best idea. Usually it consists of Gilmore Girls playing in the background or something that’s accessible via hulu. This …

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We’re back!

So I haven’t blogged in a few days. I was really on a roll there for a bit! So our time in Dallas was great. It was fun seeing my parents, my kitty, and doing lots of swimming and eating yummy food. Probably my favorite part of our time in Dallas was the UStream shows …

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